Wooden scaffolding design
Wooden scaffolding design

wooden scaffolding design

wooden scaffolding design

(8) "Double pole or independent pole scaffold" means a scaffold supported from the base by a double row of uprights, independent of support from the walls and constructed of uprights, ledgers, horizontal platform bearers, and diagonal bracing.

wooden scaffolding design

(7) "Coupler" means a device for locking together the component parts of a tubular metal scaffold. (6) "Chimney, stack, or tank bracket scaffold" means a scaffold composed of a platform supported by wood or steel brackets, hooked over a steel wire rope which surrounds the circumference of the chimney, stack, or tank. (5) "Carpenter's bracket scaffold" means a scaffold the platform of which is supported on triangular braced brackets fastened to the side of the structure.

Wooden scaffolding design full#

(4) "Bricklayer's square scaffold" means a scaffold the platform of which is supported on built-up squares secured to each other by full and continuous diagonal bracing. (3) "Brace" means a tie that holds one scaffold member in a fixed position with respect to another member. (2) "Boatswain's chair" means a seat supported by slings attached to a suspended rope, designed to accommodate one employee in a sitting position. (1) "Bearer" means a horizontal member of a scaffold upon which the platform rests and which may be supported by ledgers.

Wooden scaffolding design